Thursday, September 17, 2015

History of the Christian Church Timeline

The Apostolic Age (35-120 A.D.)

St. Jerome in the Wilderness (Albrecht Durer) c. 1494
37-14 A.D. Crisis under Caligula
44 A.D. Death of Herod Agrippa I
c. 44-46 A.D. Theudas beheaded by Procurator Cuspius Fadus
c. 45-49 A.D. Mission of Barnabas and Paul
47 A.D. The Church of the East created by St. Thomas
48-100 A.D. Herod Agrippa II appointed by Claudius
50 A.D. Passover riot in Jerusalem
52 A.D. St. Thomas lands in India
c. 53-57 A.D. Paul's 3rd Mission
c. 58 A.D. Paul arrested
c. 59 A.D. Paul shipwrecked
c. 60 A.D. Paul in Rome
62 A.D. James the Just stoned to death
64 A.D. Nero burned Rome
70 A.D. The Fall of Jerusalem [1]
72 A.D. Martyrdom of St. Thomas the Apostle
98 A.D. Martyrdom of Ignatius, third Bishop of Antioch
c.120 A.D. The Apostles Creed

Ante-Nicene Period

150 A.D. Justin Martyr first Apology
178 A.D. Irenaeus becomes Bishop of Lyon
196 A.D. Tertullian begins to write
215 A.D. The Interrogatory Creed of Hippolytus
220 A.D. Origen begins to write
c. 230 A.D. Public Church buildings begin being built
248 A.D. Cyprian becomes Bishop of Carthage
c. 264 A.D. The Death of Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria
303 A.D. The Great Persecution by Emperor Diocletian
311 A.D. Donatist Schism begins
313 A.D. The Edict of Milan [1]

First Seven Ecumenical Councils

325 A.D. The Creed of Caesarea
325 A.D. The First Council of Nicea
325 A.D. The Nicene Creed [1]
325 A.D. The Kingdom of Aksum declares Christianity the official state religion
325 A.D. Constantine orders the Church of the Nativity to be built in Bethlehem
328 A.D. Athanasius becomes Bishop of Alexandria
331 A.D. Constantine commissions Eusebius to deliver 50 Bibles
337 A.D. Constantine the Great dies
340 A.D. The Creed of Marcellus
357 A.D. Council of Sirmium
359 A.D. Council of Rimini
363-367 A.D.  Council of Laodicea
370 A.D. Basil the Great becomes bishop of Caesarea
381 A.D. The First Council of Constantinople [1]
387 A.D. Augustine converted
c. 397 A.D. St. Ninian evangelizes in Scotland
398 A.D. Chrysostom becomes Bishop of Constantinople
c. 404 A.D. The Creed of Rufinus
406 A.D. Jerome's Vulgate
431 A.D. Council of Ephesus
432 A.D. St. Patrick evangelizes in Ireland
449 A.D. Second Council of Ephesus
451 A.D. The Definition of Chalcedon [1]
455 A.D. Sack of Rome by Vandals

The Early Middle Ages (476-999 A.D.)

c. 500 A.D. The Athanasian Creed
529 A.D. The Canons of the Council of Orange
533 A.D. The Anathemas of the 2nd Council of Constantinople
541-542 A.D. Plague of Justinian
550 A.D. St. David evangelizes in Wales
553 A.D. Second Council of Constantinople [1]
563 A.D. Columba evangelizes in Scotland
589 A.D. Third Council of Toledo
664 A.D. Synod of Whitby
680-681 A.D. Third Council of Constantinople
698 A.D. The Fall of Carthage
700 A.D. Textus Receptus
731 A.D. English Church History written by Bede
732 A.D. Battle of Tours
787 A.D. Second Council of Nicea

The High Middle Ages (1000-1299 A.D.)

1054 A.D. The East and West split
1093 A.D. Anselm becomes Archbishop of Canterbury
1272 A.D. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae

The Late Middle Ages (1300-1499 A.D.)

1378 A.D. The Great Schism

The Reformation (1500-1599 A.D.)

1517 A.D. Luther posts Ninety-Five Theses [2]
1519 A.D. Charles V becomes Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
1521 A.D. Luther is excommunicated
1525 A.D. Luther The Bondage of the Will
1528 A.D. The Ten Conclusions of Berne
1529 A.D. The Small Catechism
1530 A.D. The Augsburg Confessions [2]
c. 1532 A.D. John Calvin converted
1536 A.D. John Calvin publishes Institutes [2]
1536 A.D. William Tyndale strangled and burned at the stake
1540 A.D. Jesuit's founded
1545 A.D. The Council of Trent
1549 A.D. Book of Common Prayer 
1553 A.D. Mary Tudor begins her reign
1558 A.D. Elizabeth begins her reign
1559 A.D. John Knox returns to Scotland
1560 A.D. The Scottish Confession of Faith
1561 A.D. The Belgic Confession of Faith
1563 A.D. The Heidelberg Catechism
1563 A.D. Foxe's Book of Martyr's
1566 A.D. Bullinger writes The Second Helvetic Confession
1571 A.D. The Thirty-Nine Articles

The Puritans (1600-1699 A.D.)

1607 A.D. The founding of Jamestown [2]
1611 A.D. King James Bible
1615 A.D. The Irish Articles of Religion
1618-1619 The Canons of the Synod of Dort [2]
1620 A.D. Mayflower Covenant [2]
1644 A.D. London Baptist Confession
1646 A.D. The Westminster Confession
1646 A.D. The 2nd Edition London Baptist Confession
1647 A.D. George Fox founded The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
1662 A.D. The New Act of Uniformity
1677 A.D. Keach's Catechism
1678 A.D. John Bunyan publishes The Pilgrim's Progress
1689 A.D. The Baptist Confession of 1689

The Great Awakening (1700-1799 A.D.)

1727 A.D. The Golden Summer
1739-1741 A.D. George Whitefield joins Jonathan Edwards in revival
1742 A.D. The Philadelphia Confession
1757 A.D. Carter Lane Declaration
1793 A.D. William Carey enters India

The 2nd Great Awakening (1800-1899 A.D.)

1833 A.D. The New Hampshire Baptist Confession
1854 A.D. C.H. Spurgeon becomes Pastor of New Park St. Church
1870 A.D. Vatican I

The Modern Period (1900-1999 A.D.)

1919 A.D. Karl Barth Commentary on Romans
1936 A.D. Billy Graham converted
1955 A.D. Francis Schaeffer founded L'Abri Fellowship
1962-1965 A.D. Vatican II
1963 A.D. The Baptist Faith and Message
1977 A.D. The Nottingham Statement
1978 A.D. The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy 

The Postmodern Period (2000 A.D. -current)

Revised: 6/23/2016


[1] Gonzalez, Justo L.. The Story of Christianity: Volume 1. HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
[2] Gonzalez, Justo L.. The Story of Christianity: Volume 2. HarperCollins. Kindle Edition. 

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