Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Old Testament Timeline

The Sacrifice of Isaac (Michelangelo Merisi da Carvaggio) 1603
2296 B.C. The Birth of Terah [1]
2166-1991 B.C. Abraham [1]
2066-1886 B.C. Isaac [1]
2006-1859 B.C. Jacob [1]
1916-1806 B.C. Joseph [1]
1899 B.C. Joseph's arrival in Egypt [1]
1445-1405 B.C. Moses
1405-1390 B.C. Conquest of Canaan (Joshua)
1390-1050 B.C. Settlement of the Tribes (Judges)
1050-1010 B.C. Kingship of Saul (I Samuel)
1010-970 B.C. Kingship of David (II Samuel)
970-931 B.C. Kingship of Solomon (I Kings 1-11)
931-586 B.C. Kings of Israel and Judah (Kings and Chronicles)
931-913 B.C. Kingship of Rehoboam (Kingdom of Judah)
931-910 B.C. Kingship of Jeroboam (Northern Kingdom)
913-911 B.C. Kingship of Abijam (Kingdom of Judah)
911-870 B.C. Kingship of Asa (Kingdom of Judah)
910-909 B.C. Kingship of Nadab (Northern Kingdom)
909-886 B.C. Kingship of Baasha (Northern Kingdom)
886-885 B.C. Kingship of Elah (Northern Kingdom)
885 B.C. Kingship of Zimri (Northern Kingdom)
885-880 B.C. Kingship of Tibni (Northern Kingdom)
885-874 B.C. Kingship of Omri (Northern Kingdom)
874-853 B.C. Kingship of Ahab (Northern Kingdom)
873-848 B.C. Kingship of Jehoshaphat (Kingdom of Judah)
853-852 B.C. Kingship of Ahaziah (Northern Kingdom)
853-841 B.C. Kingship of Joram (Kingdom of Judah)
852-841 B.C. Kingship of Jehoram (Northern Kingdom)
841 B.C. Kingdom of Ahaziah (Kingdom of Judah)
841-835 B.C. Kingdom of Athaliah (Kingdom of Judah)
841-814 B.C. Kingship of Jehu (Northern Kingdom)
835-795 B.C. Kingship of Joash (Kingdom of Judah)
814-798 B.C. Kingship of Jehoahaz (Northern Kingdom)
798-782 B.C. Kingship of Jehoash (Northern Kingdom)
795-767 B.C. Kingship of Amaziah (Kingdom of Judah)
793-753 B.C. Kingship of Jeroboam II (Northern Kingdom)
792-740 B.C. Kingship of Uzziah (Kingdom of Judah)
753 B.C. Kingship of Zechariah (Northern Kingdom)
752 B.C. Kingship of Shallum (Northern Kingdom)
752-742 B.C. Kingship of Menhem (Northern Kingdom)
750-732 B.C. Kingship of Jotham (Kingdom of Judah)
742-740 B.C. Kingship of Pekahiah (Northern Kingdom)
740-732 B.C. Kingship of Pekah (Northern Kingdom)
735-716 B.C. Kingship of Ahaz (Kingdom of Judah)
732-722 B.C. Kingship of Hoshea (Northern Kingdom)
716-687 B.C. Kingship of Hezekiah (Kingdom of Judah)
697-643 B.C. Kingship of Manasseh (Kingdom of Judah)
643-610 B.C. Kingship of Amon (Kingdom of Judah)
641-610 B.C. Kingship of Josiah (Kingdom of Judah)
609 B.C. Kingship of Jehoahaz (Kingdom of Judah)
609-598 B.C. Kingship of Jehoiakim (Kingdom of Judah)
605-535 B.C. Babylonian Captivity (Kings and Chronicles)
598 B.C. Kingship of Jehoiachin (Kingdom of Judah)
597-586 B.C. Kingship of Zedekiah (Kingdom of Judah)
486-464 B.C. Dispersion of the Jews (Esther)
458-430 B.C. Return from Exile (Ezra and Nehemiah)

Revised: 6/18/2015

[1] Hindson, Ed & Yates,  Gary. The Essence of the Old Testament. B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.