Monday, September 28, 2015

Timeline of Egyptian History

"Abydos King list Drawing"
by PLstrom - Own work.
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons
The Early Dynastic 
c. 3400-2980 (Breasted) c. 3000-2686 B.C. (Shaw) 1st Dynasty & 2nd Dynasty
c. 3150 B.C. Unified kingdom of Egypt founded by King Menes

1st Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Narmer
2nd Pharaoh Hor-Aha
3rd Pharaoh Djer
4th Pharaoh Djet
5th Pharaoh Merneith (female)
6th Pharaoh Den
7th Pharaoh Anedjib (Adjib)
8th Pharaoh Semerkhet
9th Pharaoh Qa'a

2nd Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Hotepsekhemwy
2nd Pharaoh Nebra (Raneb)
3rd Pharaoh Nynetjer (Ninetjer & Banetjer)
4th Pharaoh Wadejenes
5th Pharaoh Senedj
6th Pharaoh Neferkara I
7th Pharaoh Neferkasokar
8th Pharaoh Hudjefa I
9th Pharaoh Khasekhemwy
10th Pharaoh Djoser
11th Pharaoh Sekhemkhet

"Pietra di Palermo (geroglifici) 1"
G.dallorto assumed
(based on copyright claims).
Own work assumed
(based on copyright claims)..
Licensed under Attribution via Commons
The Old Kingdom Period

c. 2980-2900 (Breasted) c. 2686-2613 B.C. (Shaw) 3rd Dynasty

1st Pharaoh Djoser
2nd Pharaoh Sekhemkhet
3rd Pharaoh Sankht
4th Pharaoh Khaba
5th Pharaoh Huni

c. 2900-2750 (Breasted) c. 2613-2494 B.C. (Shaw) 4th Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Huni
2nd Pharaoh Khufu
3rd Pharaoh Djedefre
4th Pharaoh Khafra
5th Pharaoh Menkaure
6th Pharaoh Shepseskaf

c. 2750-2925 (Breasted) c. 2494-2345 B.C. (Shaw) 5th Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Userkaf
2nd Pharaoh Sahure
3rd Pharaoh Neferirkare I (Kakai)
4th Pharaoh Neferefre
5th Pharaoh Nyuserre Ini
6th Pharaoh Menkauhor Kaiu
7th Pharaoh Djedkare Isesi
8th Pharaoh Unas

c. 2623-2475 (Breasted) c. 2345-2181 B.C. (Shaw) 6th Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Teti
2nd Pharaoh Userkare
3rd Pharaoh Pepi I Meryre
4th Pharaoh Merenre Nemtyemsaf I
5th Pepi II Neferkare
6th Pharaoh Merenre Nemtyemsaf II

by PLstrom - Own work.
Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Commons
First Intermediate Period 
c. 2475-2445 (Breasted) c. 2181-2160 B.C. (Shaw) 7th Dynasty & 8th Dynasty

7th Dynasty

1st Pharaoh Neferkare I (Spitah)
2nd Pharaoh Menkare
3rd Pharaoh Neferkare II
4th Pharaoh Neferkare III (Neby)
5th Pharaoh Djedkare Shemai
6th Pharaoh Neferkare IV (Khendu)
7th Pharaoh Merenhor
8th Pharaoh Neferkamin
9th Pharaoh Nikare I
10th Pharaoh Neferkare V (Tereru)
11th Pharaoh Neferkahor
12th Pharaoh Neferkare VI (Pepiseneb)
13th Pharaoh Neferkamin Anu
14th Pharaoh Qakare Ibi
15th Pharaoh Neferkaure

8th Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Neferkauhor
2nd Pharaoh Neferirkare II

c. 2445-2160 (Breasted) c. 2160-2025 B.C. (Shaw) 9th Dynasty & 10th Dynasty

9th Dynasty

1st Pharaoh Meryibre Khety
2nd (Unknown)
3rd Pharaoh Neferkare VII
4th Pharaoh Nebkaure Khety
5th Pharaoh Setut
6th (Unknown)

10th Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Meryhathor
2nd Pharaoh Neferkare VIII
3rd Pharaoh Wahkare Khety
4th Pharaoh Merikare

"Karnak King List Drawing"
by PLstrom - Own work.
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons
Drawing of the Karnak King List. The colored bits remain, the white are more or less lost.
The Middle Kingdom Period
c. 2160-2000 (Breasted) c. 2125-1985 B.C. (Shaw) 11th Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Inteff I
2nd Pharaoh Inteff II
3rd Pharaoh Inteff III
4th Pharaoh Mentuhotep II
5th Pharaoh Mentuhotep III
6th Pharaoh Mentuhotep IV

c. 2000-1788 (Breasted) c. 1985-1773 B.C. (Shaw) 12th Dynasty
1st Pharaoh Amenemhat I
2nd Pharaoh Senusret I
3rd Pharaoh Amenemhat II
4th Pharaoh Senusret II
5th Pharaoh Senusret III
6th Pharaoh Amenemhat III
7th Pharaoh Amenemhat IV
8th Pharaoh Sobekneferu (female)

by BJegorovic - Own work.
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons
Second Intermediate Period
c. 1780-1580 (Breasted) c. 1773-1550 B.C. (Shaw) 13th -17th Dynasties

The New Kingdom Period
c. 1580-1350 (Breasted) c. 1550-1295 B.C. (Shaw) 18th Dynasty
Ahmose I
Amenhotep I
Thutmose I
Thutmose II
Thutmose III
Amenhotep II
Thutmose IV
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep IV

c. 1350-1205 (Breasted) c. 1295-1186 B.C. (Shaw) 19th Dynasty
Ramesses I
Seti I
Ramesses II
Seti II

c. 1200-1090 (Breasted) c. 1186-1069 B.C. (Shaw) 20th Dynasty
Ramesses III
Ramesses IV
Ramesses V
Ramesses VI
Ramesses VII
Ramesses VIII
Ramesses IX
Ramesses X
Ramesses XI

Third Intermediate Period
c. 1090-945 (Breasted) c. 1069-945 B.C. (Shaw) 21st Dynasty

c. 945-745 (Breasted) c. 945-715 B.C. (Shaw) 22nd Dynasty

c. 745-718 (Breasted) c. 818-715 B.C. (Shaw) 23rd Dynasty

c. 718-712 (Breasted) c. 727-715 B.C. (Shaw) 24th Dynasty

c. 712-663 (Breasted) c. 747-656 B.C. (Shaw) 25th Dynasty

Late Period of Ancient Egypt
c. 663-525 (Breasted) c. 664-525 B.C. (Shaw) 26th Dynasty

Revised: 6/18/2016

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